"Who is anja??!!11!"
anja , knwown professionally as "anjja" (she/he) is an online personality quiz slash social experiemnt developed by mcgill univerity. On the inside anja is a broken and tortured boygirl who brudes mysteriously in his room, but to the outside world anja is actually one of the languages with the closest related roots to proto-indo -european and a wagecuck cashier at a regional supermarket chain. She also plays violin in her art collectives improvized noise rock group and directs an art zine with her firends. you wish you were her.



  • drawing
  • depressants
  • guitar pedals
  • live +hardcore shows
  • complicated ways to download things illegally on teh internet
  • pre 2010s decentralized internet
  • MY GIRLFRIND!!!!!!
  • poetry
  • furriesss!!
  • smoking cigarettes from time to tinem
  • getting high on weeed but not getting too high that im anxious and horny
  • mixedmedia animation
  • stealing and taking things
  • me and my stuff
  • rpgmakerxp
  • alternative/underground comics
  • 90's/early aughts console games and anime
  • petty drama (from a distance)
  • silly cartoons for children
  • derpy and fluttershy from famed cartoon mlp:fim
  • weird shit that sucks a lot
  • hot people
  • confusing looking boygirls
  • touhou
  • Dislikes

  • twitter
  • the yankees
  • capitalism
  • my ibs )_)
  • you and your stuff
  • when thinsg arent chill
  • people that suck
  • soulless art/artists
  • dairy
  • military intervention overseas D:
  • terfs/bigots
  • Favorites

  • TV SERIES: Superjail
  • FOOD: poke bowl
  • MOVIE: slacker (1991)
  • BAND: local rock and roll act PV
  • GAME: jumping flash
  • ANIMAL: deer (like my fursona ^_^)
  • LIQUID: crude oil (☆▽☆) (
  • POSITIVE INTEGER: 79 because it looks aesthetically pleasing
  • EUPHAMISM FOR SEX: Makin' Whoopie
  • ANIME: Hidamari Sketch (≧∇≦)ノ
  • CHILDRENS CARTOON:Chowder because it's like actually perfect in every way
  • BABYSLOP: either danger and eggs or OKKOLBH, i would also posit that my life as a teenage robot could go into this category but i fear that that may turn some heads
  • COMIC:Everything Sucks by Michael Sweater, Gerry by Marie Jacotey, Flaming Carrot by Bob Burden
  • TOUHOU CHARACTER: in terms of vibes cirno because she's sooo funky !!!! but in terms of character design probably like youmu or flandre imo
  • Things that I would say that im "currently working on" be that true or just me chewing cud

  • a comic that i fleshed out characters and designs for a month ago that i haven't managed to get myself ot work on more
  • my friend group's improvisional noise band
  • the same friend group's "zine" that is supposedly in the works, (i will be doing multimedia digital art which i have little to no experience with)
  • a youtube channel that may end up just being part of this website if i can manage to develop this into an actual place for me to post shit
  • my blog which has zero actual opsts on it
  • developing this website which i only do when im on adderall at 4 am (°ロ°)

  • "So like wha'ts ur deal dude???" in my free time i watch a lot of cartoons, whether that be anime or western stuff. i get really hyperfixated on a lot of the production side of western cartoons specifically. i love spending hours doing wikipedia deep dives on production companies or storyboard artists to figure out what else they've made or their artistic influences. i'm also pretty passionate about indie comics and animation but i wouldn't say that my knowledge base is as far reaching for that as it is for a lot of more embaressing stuff like OK KO or Flapjack. I also fucking love adult swim and i think that (in it's prime at least) it was probably one of the best things to have ever been on television. When i'm not engaging in this side of my autistm i'm typically either doing traditional pen and paper drawing, exploring industrial zones of the state i inhabit, playing music or at a local punk show with friends. I fucking love the local punk scene and I think it's insanely impressive that it's still alive and kicking. My favorite local act that I've seen is probably Film And Gender, a funky hardcore trans punk act local to the boston scene. I think i'm going to be using th eblog page that I made to attempt to voice my opinions on art and music and stuff more and probablly post videos of my band but host them here instead of through youtube because literally fuck youtube any alternative is better.